Chief Directorate: Monitoring Evaluation and Strategic Planning
Directorate: Policy And Research
SALARY : R183 279 per annum (Level 04)
CENTRE: Pietermaritzburg
REQUIREMENTS: Grade 12. Computer Literacy. Practical experience in information management
and a valid driver’s license. Essential Knowledge, Skills and Competencies
Required: The successful candidate must have: – Knowledge of procedures,
norms and standards for information management. Hardware and software
technology and data capturing. The successful candidate must have
communication and Interpersonal skills, be a team player, Computer literacy
and be able to Communicate effectively with staff/ management. Be
Professional, Client-orientated and honest.
DUTIES: The successful candidate will be required to: Capture data from available
records into the required formats. Produce reports as requested. Provide
administration services. Review and validate all data from the records.
ENQUIRIES: Ms N Mshengu Tel No: (033) 260 8011
NOTE: To Applicants: Applications must be submitted on the new Application for
Employment Form (Z83) available from any Public Service Department and
should be accompanied by a comprehensive CV. The Department discourages
applications sent by registered mail and will not be held responsible for
applications sent via registered mail which are not collected from the post
office. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application
reaches the Department timeously. Failure to comply with any instruction will
disqualify applicants. Appointment is subject to a positive outcome obtained
from State Security on the following checks (Security Clearance, Citizenship,
qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previous
employment). Faxed or late applications will not be accepted. Should
applicants not receive any response from the Department within three months
of the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. All
shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be subjected to a technical exercise
that intends to test the relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of
which will be communicated by the Department. Following the interview and
the technical exercise, the selection committee will recommend the candidates
to attend a generic managerial competency assessment (in compliance with
the DPSA Directive on the implementation of competency-based
assessments). The competency assessment will be testing generic managerial
competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.
All these posts are being re-advertised and replaced. All applicants who applied
previously must re-apply if they wish their applications to be considered. The
Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and is
committed to empowering people with a disability.
APPLICATIONS: To be posted to: The Chief Director, Human Resource Management &
Development, Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs,
Private Bag X9078, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 or Hand Delivered To: The Chief
Registry Clerk, 2nd Floor, South Tower, Natalia, 330 Langalibalele Street,
Pietermaritzburg. (Applicants who applied previously must re-apply if they wish
their applications to be considered). Applicants may also submit their Z83 and
CV directly to the following email address
FOR ATTENTION: Ms NB Mabaso-Macaringwe
CLOSING DATE: 19 August 2024. Applications received after this date will not be accepted.